15 Recipes for Baking and Cooking with Coconut Oil

15 Recipes for Baking and Cooking with Coconut Oil

HomeCooking Tips, Recipes15 Recipes for Baking and Cooking with Coconut Oil

Some of our favorite recipes rely on the high melting point of this essential ingredient.

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Channel Avatar Gimme Some Oven2016-11-09 04:31:23 Thumbnail

Coconut Oil Cookies Recipe with 3 Ingredients

Serious Mealtimes / Debbie Wee

Coconut oil has become an indispensable part of the modern cook's repertoire as it's one of the few widely available vegetable fats that remains solid at room temperature without the aid of hydrogenation. Coconut oil comes in two forms: virgin and refined. Virgin coconut oil retains some flavor and aroma; refined coconut oil is essentially odorless and tasteless. In addition to being a great vegan replacement for traditional solid fats like butter and lard refined coconut oil allows citrus flavors to shine through making it Stella Parks' favorite fat for desserts like blueberry lemon scones and lemon ginger sandwich cookies. Of course sometimes coconut flavor is desirable: This coconut cake uses virgin coconut oil in both the cake batter and the frosting to achieve a deep pronounced flavor. Here are fifteen coconut oil recipes that harness the special properties of this essential ingredient.

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik