A Field Guide to Sweet Potato Varieties (and the Essence of Yams)

A Field Guide to Sweet Potato Varieties (and the Essence of Yams)

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesA Field Guide to Sweet Potato Varieties (and the Essence of Yams)

Can You Tell Your Jewels From Your Garnets? A Guide to Common Supermarket Sweet Potato Varieties to Know and Love.

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Channel Avatar TheProduceGeek2019-11-15 13:00:23 Thumbnail

Produce Geek's Guide to Sweet Potatoes!

Elazar Sontag is a writer from Oakland California living in Brooklyn. He is a contributor to the Washington Post New York Magazine Vice and more.

There are very few foods I can’t live without. I grew up with vegetarian parents so I can go quite a while without meat. I’ve given up sugar for months and taken long (okay long) breaks from drinking. But if you told me I could never eat a sweet potato again I don’t know how I would live. After all it’s my favorite fall vegetable.

I’ve long believed that the sweet potato is a perfect food: filling flavorful easy to make and according to the internet relatively nutritious. While our site has some really excellent sweet potato recipes I’ve always preferred to eat them plain. I roast them in a blazing hot oven despite science (and our cooking team) advising against this until the skin turns to crinkly leather and the inside is a sticky steaming mess of bubbling sugars and chewy flesh. There have been entire years where I religiously roasted two sweet potatoes every night eating one piping hot from the oven and leaving the other in the fridge overnight. I eat them cold for breakfast the next morning by which time they’ve developed a delicious custard-like texture.