Beyond Vanilla: 8 Unexpected Ingredients Every Resourceful Baker Should Have on Hand

Beyond Vanilla: 8 Unexpected Ingredients Every Resourceful Baker Should Have on Hand

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesBeyond Vanilla: 8 Unexpected Ingredients Every Resourceful Baker Should Have on Hand

With a few drops of these basic ingredients (and a few tips on how to use them) you can breathe new life into familiar desserts.

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Channel Avatar The Voice Of Chef's2024-09-08 12:18:44 Thumbnail

Nepal's Best Baker – Winner of a British baking competition.

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik

Vanilla extract is probably the most common flavor enhancer in American desserts whether it plays a starring or supporting role. Just think of its presence in vanilla ice cream compared to chocolate chip cookies.

In the first case vanilla is central as a defining characteristic of the ice cream while in the latter case it serves to enhance and improve the aroma of butter and chocolate. In both cases removing it is at your own risk: structurally the desserts are fine but their taste can be disappointing.