How Copper Pots Are Made

How Copper Pots Are Made

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesHow Copper Pots Are Made

An expert demonstrates how this classic cookware is turned tinned and finished on a lathe.

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Channel Avatar Serious Eats2020-01-21 21:50:34 Thumbnail

How Copper Pots Are Made (with Jim Hamann of Duparquet Copper Cookware) | Serious Eats

Historically copper was worked by hand with a hammer. But most copper pots and pans are no longer made that way: it’s simply too laborious. That leaves two preferred methods for creating most pot shapes: spinning on a lathe or forming in a press. During a visit to Duparquet Copper Cookware in Rhode Island owner Jim Hamann (who also runs a restoration service called East Coast Tinning) showed us how he spins his pots and even let me join him on the lathe to make a few saucepans. You can watch the spinning process from start to finish in the video below.

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik