How do you open a coconut?

How do you open a coconut?

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesHow do you open a coconut?

…This is the only time it's okay to poke something in his eyes.

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Channel Avatar Brads Greenhouse & Gardening2013-03-23 03:50:13 Thumbnail

How to crack a fresh coconut quickly and easily using the tools everyone has.

Serious Mealtimes / Amanda Suarez

As a parent of two young children I spend an unreasonable amount of time trying to keep them from gouging each other’s eyes out (and hitting each other and kicking each other and biting each other and…). But when it comes to coconuts go ahead and poke away! That is if your goal is to open a coconut and scoop out the flesh.

Here are the essential steps for an easy stress-relieving coconut opening experience. These instructions apply to any brown hard coconut which is the mature form. If you have a young green coconut you will need a large knife and the courage to undergo a much riskier procedure.