Mastering the art of blending burgers with eight types of beef | The Food Lab

Mastering the art of blending burgers with eight types of beef | The Food Lab

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesMastering the art of blending burgers with eight types of beef | The Food Lab

Serious Mealtimes / Amanda Suarez

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Channel Avatar Philippine Primer2017-12-06 02:06:02 Thumbnail

8 Cuts Burger Blends | Filipino Primer Eats

There’s nothing new about mixing different cuts of meat to make a better burger. But despite everything I’ve read and despite the fact that I’ve spent the last few years fiddling with burger mixes at least a few times a week I’ve yet to see a good thorough scientific analysis of what actually makes a great burger. Is it the fat content? The texture? The flavor? Probably all three but what does one cut offer over the other? Why mix three pieces instead of two? Would a fourth cut make it even better?

Because of the intensive marketing efforts of spirits distributors most whisky drinkers in this country (myself included) tend to favour single malts as the pinnacle of expression of the form. But we sell ourselves short. Surely blending whiskies – that careful balancing act of achieving the perfect blend of high notes and low notes of sweetness and smokiness – is an equally impressive and intricate if not more delightful task than distilling the spirit itself? And if the whisky industry has Master Blenders to curate its blends then surely the burger – a food with an equally noble heritage and devoted following – demands just as much attention.

To achieve this I decided to do a tasting of “single-malt burgers” carefully noting what distinguished each piece from the rest and cataloging all the flavors that fall under the “beefy” umbrella term hoping to create the ultimate blend. The Blue Label Burger if you will. I grabbed my boning knife and meat grinder and headed to the butcher determined to master the art of burger blending.