Recipe for "dry-fried" green beans with romesco sauce

Recipe for "dry-fried" green beans with romesco sauce

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesRecipe for "dry-fried" green beans with romesco sauce

This quick and easy green bean side dish is ready in minutes with the help of the grill and a little Spanish romesco sauce.

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Channel Avatar TheFarm IanKnauer2014-08-17 22:12:04 Thumbnail

The Farm – Roasted Green Beans Recipe

Serious Mealtimes / Daniel Gritzer

Here’s a simple hearty vegetable side dish that you can make in minutes as long as you have some romesco sauce and fresh green beans on hand. The recipe uses two things: a technique and a powerful and versatile seasoning.

The technique is Kenji's broiler method for "dry-frying" green beans. True dry-frying is a two-stage stir-frying technique where you first fry something in a generous amount of oil and then stir-fry it a second time with seasonings. As Kenji points out in his article that's not always practical for the home cook. The broiler he found is an acceptable substitute that produces charred and blackened beans with minimal oil and effort. You can then toss the beans with whatever seasonings you like.