Roasted pear salad with chicory and blue cheese recipe

Roasted pear salad with chicory and blue cheese recipe

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesRoasted pear salad with chicory and blue cheese recipe

A hearty sweet salad for the winter weather.

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Channel Avatar kitschn.2020-02-23 09:05:23 Thumbnail

Blue cheese and pear salad

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik

Why do salads get such a bad rap on Thanksgiving? I know most of us go for the carbs on Turkey Day and there’s a lot to be said for stuffing ourselves with stuffing or mashed potatoes and there’s nothing wrong with that but here’s my theory on why salad gets shunned so often.

Folks it's time to break the salad-Thanksgiving cycle. We're going to do it in two steps.