Stir-fried Farro with Garlic Kale and Poached Egg Recipe

Stir-fried Farro with Garlic Kale and Poached Egg Recipe

HomeOther ContentStir-fried Farro with Garlic Kale and Poached Egg Recipe

This simple combination of grains vegetables and eggs is a satisfying and balanced meal. A perfect snack when you have some time to spare.

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Channel Avatar Hilah Cooking2013-01-17 16:00:08 Thumbnail

How to Cook Kale | Garlic Kale Recipe | Hilah Cooking

Tender farro sauteed kale and a perfectly poached egg. If that's not a good breakfast we don't know what is.

Serious Eats / Emily and Matt Clifton; Video: Serious Eats video.

1 1/2 cups farro (300 g; 10 ounces)