Watch Kenji show just how foolproof his pan pizza recipe really is

Watch Kenji show just how foolproof his pan pizza recipe really is

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesWatch Kenji show just how foolproof his pan pizza recipe really is

Follow Kenji in real time as he makes his famous pan pizza from scratch.

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Channel Avatar J. Kenji López-Alt2020-04-03 09:17:37 Thumbnail

Food Lab Basics: POV Foolproof No Knead Pan Pizza

This foolproof no-knead pizza recipe is easily my most popular recipe. It’s also the recipe I make most often at home especially now that I have a pizza-loving toddler in the house. In fact it’s so popular with her that it inspired me to write a children’s book called Every Night is Pizza Night (if you order this or any of my other books through my store 10% of the proceeds will go to independent bookstores nationwide).

You can read all about the science and process of making pan pizza here and there’s also a video on that page that breaks down the process in about 10 minutes. This video on the other hand is almost 30 minutes long which seems like a long time for a cooking video but it includes every active step you need to make this recipe from start to finish including making a few mistakes along the way.* (You can find a slightly longer original video on my YouTube channel .) That means once you gather your ingredients and tools you can start the video and start cooking with me right away. It’ll be like I’m standing right there in your kitchen only less creepy. And the best part? You don’t even have to share the pizza with me when it’s done (though please share it with toddlers and other loved ones).

Serious Mealtimes / Vicky Wasik